(dia ni kalau bercakap, mengalahkan org tua tau huhuhu...jenuh nk melayan...)
(dia ni lak,ada perangai baru,nangis malam2 haaaiz, tapi bila tanya,dia tak pandai nk bgtau,sbb dia tak boleh nk cakap lagi...malas tul hehehe)

ok2 kak seli, i know my blog dah bersawang ni...haaaaiz, banyak betul cik ana adie ni buat tag...pastu aku menjadi salah seorang mangsanya...adeeeesss, seb bek skrg ni tgh free...lagipun dah lama aku tak update blog aku nih...ok start sekarang!!!!
Bagaimanakah rupa tempat keja aku???
Nnnt la update...aku nk kemas meja dulu ek...
1. When you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, what's the first thing you say?
Ok2, pakai olay ni,nnt hilang la parut jerawat ni <---- dengan penuh harapan dan bersemangat
2. How much cash do you have on you?
3. What’s a word that rhymes with “TESTING?!”
4. Favorite planet? Why?
Bumi la…sebab memang dah sempurna bumi nih di ciptakan Allah untuk makhluk2nya beramal ibadah kepadanya <--- insaf2
5.Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
Abg Zam encoral ,<--- pasal keja la,apa lagi hehehe
6. What is your main ring tone on your phone?
One Step at a time – Jordin Sparks
7. What shirt are you wearing?
Chic Avenue
8. Do you “label” yourself?
9. Name the brand of your shoes you’re currently wearing?
10. Bright or Dark Room?
Bright…bila dark jer,aku dok imagine memacam heee~~~
11. What were you doing at midnight last night?
tdo <-- telan ubat selsema
12. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
13. What’s a saying that you say a lot?
“aa ok”
14. Who told you they loved you last?
15. Last furry thing you touched?
16. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past three Days
5 panadol tablet, 2 panadol soluble & 5 table spoon ubat batuk
17. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
18. Favorite age you have been so far?
19. What is your current desktop picture?
Teal chroma
20. What was the last thing you said to someone?
“alamak ya ka”
21. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret?
To change a major regret la…huhuhu stupidity things that I have done and make me feel uncomfortable to enjoys my jobs huhuhuhu,but can’t reveal here huhuhu
22. Do you like someone?
A’a…dah tau dh kot
23. The last song you listened to?
Leave out all the rest – linkin park
24. Who was the last girl you talk to?
Kak ela
25. Who was the last guy you talked to?
Seseorang dari TM
26. How do you handle stress?
Crying and tdoq zzzzzzzzzzzz
27. Do you think best friends can be replaced?
No can’t
28. Who was the last person you called?
29. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
Selamat hari raya aidilfitri,maaf zahir batin drp heary <---- syg nk buang sbb text dia cantik,nnt leh guna lg thn depan agagaga
30. What was the last song you sang out?
Womanizer – Britney Spears
31. Do you have any nicknames?
Ruby, Atun, Bee, Awid, Dik Wit
7 Fakta tentang saya/aku
1. Lahir pada 23/5/1984…
2. Anak kedua dari 4 adik beradik
3. Agak garang,tapi penyayang
4. Anak jati kedah
5. Aku rabun jauh yeaahhh
6. Suka kaler biru <--- rubi
7. Giler main game,tak kira la online ke offline hee~~~
7 Perkara menakutkan saya/aku di dunia
1. Jadi penganggur
2. Perang
3. Perpecahan kaum
4. Kegawatan ekonomi
5. Bila pemimpin tidak lagi sehaluan
6. Kes pembunuhan berleluasa
7. Kes rogol yang tiada kesudahan
7 Lagu wat masa sekarang
1. Womanizer – Britney Spears
2. Fall 4 u – Secondhand Serenade
3. Check yes Juliet – We the Kings
4. That’s what u get – Paramore
5. Leave out all the rest – Linkin Park
6. Break the ice – Britney Spears
7. Hot n cold – Katy Perry
7 Perkara selalu disebut
1. ok
2. tapi
3. oh no
4. tidak
5. kan
6. aaaaaa’aaaa
7. oyeee
7 Perkara yg amat bernilai
1. mak abah and my sibling
2. pdot
3. myV blue carribeanku
4. TLine ni la
5. my fren
6. Bobos dan kenangan bersama tuannya
7. Rabiatuladawiyah bt Harun
7 Pertama kali dalam hidup saya/aku
1. Lulus muet (band 3) pada umo 23 huhuhu
2. Umo 22 tahun start keja
3. Dapat lesen keta n moto umo 21
4. Bawak keta setelah 3 tahun tak bawak…alhamdulillah dh ok skrg
5. Masuk pertandingan senamrobik sempena sukom 1998,tapi kalah dgn org2 veteran
6. First time aku tak tdo ms balik kg raya haji retu..sbb aku yg drive...aku klu naik bas ke,naik keta ke,mesti tdo punya la...tapi dh kena bawak sendiri,takkan nk tdo kot hihu..
7. Rabun umo 12 tahun huhhuhu
2 names you go by
1. ruby
2. awid
2 things you wearing right now
1. T-shirt
2. Kain batik
2 things you want very badly at the moment
1. duwet
2. stremyx
2 things you did last night just before bed
1. basuh cadar
2. Makan ubat
2 thing you ate today
1. tuna with olive oil and beberapa keeping roti
2. megi tomyam
2 people you just spoke with
1. kak ela
2. Org TM
2 things you are doing tomorrow
1. Beli roti dengan tuna
2. Siapkan tender
2 longest car rides
1. Balakong –Pokok sena – Alor Setol
2. Alor Setol – Bandar Tasik Selatan